General information

Intra-school assessment system is aimed at showing each student’s strong points, their positive motivation to work. It serves this purpose by the following:

  • Monthly assessment of the student’s behaviour, providing the student the opportunity to change their behaviour and attitudes for the better;
  • A school program for supporting talent as a part of individual classes, consultations or special-interest groups;
  • Assessing the student, depending on their special needs, primarily on the basis of oral or written statements.
  • Assessing students’ abilities in terms of the effort put in, and not just on the final result.
  • Permitting extended time for written work, additional homework and exercises in lessons that have varying levels of difficulty and variety of forms.
  • Organization of examinations (matriculation, junior high school) under forms and conditions suited to the special needs of a disabled person.
  • Understanding the behaviours associated with various types of special needs (e.g. regarding dyslexia – speech disorders, spacial orientation, anxiety or aggressive attitudes, etc.).

Shaping emotional and social maturity with particular sensitivity towards tolerance of other human beings – we learn from each other. Able-bodied students learn how to live among people with disabilities and vice versa, people with disabilities learn how to function with the able-bodied.

  • Various circles of interest.
  • Charitable activities (Collecting personal-hygiene items for homeless men, fundraising for animal shelters, Collecting gifts for students from large families from primary school in Zaborów, Collecting materials for homes for the elderly).
  • Trips in Poland and abroad.
  • Organising competitions that promote the idea of integration.
  • Enabling the participation of disabled students in all trips organised by the school (to the theatre, cinema, museums, other tours etc.).  The school covers the cost of organising its trips entirely at its own expense.


The AMIGO school is part of the Municipal Programme of Schools Promoting Health.

Programmes we have run are: “Assertiveness – the art of being yourself”, “How do deal with stress”, “Person, love, family”, “Teenage problems”, “Narcotics in the world – prevention”, “Debates – preventing addiction”, “Don’t throw your life away – prevention-education campaign”, “N.O.E. anti-alcohol programme”, “Smoking prevention”, “AIDS prevention – Without risk”, “The road to success”, “Are we really different?”, “Together at school”, “School with the class”, “A dyslexia-friendly school”, “Coming together through sport”, “Keep a Sober Mind”, “e-Twinning”, “Shallow thinking is a Disability”.

Support for young people is also possible thanks to:

  • Enabling disabled students to extend a stage of their education by one year.
  • For pupils with specific learning difficulties, at their parents’ request, one-to-one lessons are organized in selected subjects, for example in mathematics or Polish, while all other subjects are taught in a class.
  • Individual tuition (Psychological and Pedagogical Councelling Center certified by)  is conducted only on the school premises. Young people are included in peer-to-peer groups in the following classes: religion, art, technology, foreign languages and computer science, in accordance with the school’s internal teaching regulations for one-to-one tuition.
  • Hearing-impaired children or those with severe dyslexia and who have been exempted from taking a second foreign language (the opinion of Psychological and Pedagogical Councelling Center) manage their time during the resultant “free” periods for compensatory and consultation classes, corrective-compensatory groups and IT lessons.
  • Organization of classes for gifted students (special-interest groups, additional one-to-one lessons).
  • Organization of consultation sessions for each subject (2 hours per week).
  • Supplementing learning through the use of computer programs and modern technology: multimedia projectors, interactive whiteboards, graphical calculators and the Playstation 3.
  • Teaching foreign languages at junior-high-school level – 6 hours per week (3 hours of English and 3 hours of German); at high school – 10 hours per week (6 hours of English and 4 hours of German).
  • Conducting Youth Entrepreneurship Programmes: “The Road to Success”, “School Debates”, “Entrepreneurship” and “Applied Economics”.
  • Physical-education in the school’s gymnasium.
  • Circles of interest: art, mathematics, computer science, music, materials related to matriculation: biology, history, mathematics, social studies, physics and many others (see Special-Interest Groups).
  • An increased number of hours for matriculation subjects for high-school classes.
  • Additional classes to help prepare for junior-high-school exams for the 3rd grade of middle school.
  • Organization of mock and junior-high-school mock exams.

Working with a child and their family.

  • Monthly meetings in the form of group interviews and consultations.
  • In individual cases, therapeutic work with the family, taking a systemic approach.
  • Psychological counselling and helping the family.
  • Piloting and assistance in the field of jurisprudence and opinion-making with the aid of psychological and pedagogical counselling centres.
  • Helping parents in gaining sponsors to pay for their child’s education.
  • Organizing screening tests for school students (free speaking, hearing and sight tests).
  • In cases where it is justified, consultation with a psychiatrist.

An accommodation database.

  • A building with no architectural barriers: a lift, wheelchair ramps, toilets adapted for the disabled.
  • A fenced-off recreational area.
  • A library.
  • An IT room with internet access.
  • Departments: chemistry, biology, IT, art, pedagogical therapy, neurologopedic therapy, music therapy, biofeedback, AVS, RSA, sensory therapy, occupational therapy.
  • First-aid department.
Wsparcie edukacyjne osób przybywających z Ukrainy –
wypełnij formularz zgłoszeniowy!
Znasz języki wschodniosłowiańskie? Jesteś studentem, nauczycielem lub wykładowcą? Chcesz wesprzeć edukacyjnie młodych ludzi przybywających z Ukrainy? Jeśli możesz pomóc w ten sposób, to zachęcamy do wypełnienia formularza dostępnego na stronie Ministerstwa Edukacji i Nauki. Za jego pośrednictwem można zaoferować pomoc edukacyjną dla dzieci i młodzieży z Ukrainy oraz określić rodzaj wsparcia.


Formularz zgłoszeniowy

Na stronie Ministerstwa Edukacji i Nauki udostępniliśmy formularz rejestracyjny dotyczący wsparcia edukacyjnego dzieci i młodzieży z Ukrainy. Za jego pośrednictwem można zaoferować pomoc edukacyjną i określić jej formę.

Formularz zbiera podstawowe informacje, które zostaną automatycznie przekazane do właściwego koordynatora wojewódzkiego przy kuratorium oświaty. Koordynatorzy będą kontaktowali się z wolontariuszami w miarę pojawiających się potrzeb.

W sposób szczególny do angażowania się w wolontariat edukacyjny zachęcamy nauczycieli, studentów i wykładowców. Niezwykle cenne będzie wsparcie osób znających języki wschodniosłowiańskie (ukraiński, rosyjski czy białoruski). W pomoc edukacyjną mogą się także włączyć przedstawiciele organizacji pozarządowych, firm i stowarzyszeń.

Zachęcamy do włączenia się w wolontariat edukacyjny! 

Źródło MEiN:–wypelnij-formularz-zgloszeniow

Kuratorium Oświaty we Wrocławiu
Plac Powstańców Warszawy 1
50-153 Wrocław